So what is this thing called cycling? No it has nothing to do with Lance or doping
I have seen a few beginner ask or refer to this... so i will try put this short and sweet
This is the process we are concerned with:
Red = bad
Orange = acceptable
Green = good
Ammonia (NH4) -> Mineralisation -> Nitrite (NO2) -> Nitrification -> Nitrate (NO3) -> De-nitrification -> N2 + H2O
cycling is the process of getting enough bacterial growth so that any TOXIC ammonia added to the system can be converted as quick as possible to Nitrates via the processes listed above.
There are many ways to start this process, the traditional way of adding LR and letting the tank mature over a few weeks until we cannot pick up NH4 on our test kits, which IMHO works but as soon as we add a bio-load there is a lag as we need a constant food source(NH4) to keep the populations at peak levels. how do we sustain this? well we can keep adding small amounts of "food" , fresh shrimp or frozen fish, and as they decompose they feed the the Biological processes, and as soon as we get the spike of NH4 and it goes to 0 we are approaching a cycled tank. i would then advise to add another small piece of "food" and then start the testing again and in a few hours to a day we should have no NH4.
there are other ways available today due to technological advances that allow use to "seed" the system with alive bacteria that do allow us to "avoid" the long cycle. These ways are for the more advanced or those that are going to follow the instructions/manuals to the T. eg. Special Blend, Prodibio Start, Seachem Stability.
I have personally used and tested all these avenues and all have worked well.
So before you venture out on any of these methods, i do suggestion to understand each process, the nitrogen cycle and the risks.
Enjoy Reefing
I have seen a few beginner ask or refer to this... so i will try put this short and sweet
This is the process we are concerned with:
Red = bad
Orange = acceptable
Green = good
Ammonia (NH4) -> Mineralisation -> Nitrite (NO2) -> Nitrification -> Nitrate (NO3) -> De-nitrification -> N2 + H2O
cycling is the process of getting enough bacterial growth so that any TOXIC ammonia added to the system can be converted as quick as possible to Nitrates via the processes listed above.
There are many ways to start this process, the traditional way of adding LR and letting the tank mature over a few weeks until we cannot pick up NH4 on our test kits, which IMHO works but as soon as we add a bio-load there is a lag as we need a constant food source(NH4) to keep the populations at peak levels. how do we sustain this? well we can keep adding small amounts of "food" , fresh shrimp or frozen fish, and as they decompose they feed the the Biological processes, and as soon as we get the spike of NH4 and it goes to 0 we are approaching a cycled tank. i would then advise to add another small piece of "food" and then start the testing again and in a few hours to a day we should have no NH4.
there are other ways available today due to technological advances that allow use to "seed" the system with alive bacteria that do allow us to "avoid" the long cycle. These ways are for the more advanced or those that are going to follow the instructions/manuals to the T. eg. Special Blend, Prodibio Start, Seachem Stability.
I have personally used and tested all these avenues and all have worked well.
So before you venture out on any of these methods, i do suggestion to understand each process, the nitrogen cycle and the risks.
Enjoy Reefing