Puffer fish

I would say, with caution. They can eat your inverts, they have a beak-type jaw, made for guess what ? Crushing hard things. I thing I have heard they have toxic skin.
They are better in Fish only tanks really, they will eat your inverts and may take a swipe at some of your soft corals.
Never, 100 gallons minium and this size tank would mean you would eventually have to relocate it when it got to adult size.

What's with the Dwarf angel link ?
what would you put in a 32 gal tank. if you had a
midus blenny, 2 true perkes, african pygmy.
just trying to see what is the coolest fish i could get to complement the already cool fish i have.
Loads of gobies will do well - Clown, Yellow watchman, red stripe

All the firefish and maybe a jawfish
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