
10 Sep 2007
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i would like to know if you have

#seachem stability
#kent phos sponge
#any liquid phos solution that will take phos away
alfie told me about phos buster, what is the price of it?

and irie ivan said i must ask you if you can work a stability dosage out for me.

i'm having allot of trouble with cyano
Reef products?

check sms/pm reply


You come highly recommended.
These okes must really like you...:lol:

OR, they HATE cyano too.:lol:

I DO have Seachem Stability
I recommend Seachem Phosguard, as much better than Kent item requested
CaribSea Phosbuster in 2 sizes 500L, and 1000L

and PhosBuster Pro 1000L, but only if you have Alk testkit

i would like to know if you have

#seachem stability
#kent phos sponge
#any liquid phos solution that will take phos away

alfie told me about phos buster, what is the price of it?

and irie ivan said i must ask you if you can work a stability dosage out for me.

i'm having allot of trouble with cyano

I will assist with dosages, interactions, precautions, advice and back-up ON ALL of my products.
Even after hours.

Let's see what can be done for you.
o.k sweet, so what would you say must i get, just remember dont have alot of $$ still waiting for warr to learn me how to play poker:p

i want to get rid of this damn cyano, my anemone and yellow polyps is suffering, think it is my phos 0.1ppm
I recommend Seachem Phosguard, as much better than Kent item requested
I agree, I have tried a couple of the phosphate media's and I am very happy with the Seachem Phosguard.
Is the phosgaurd a media that you add to the reactor?
How does phosbuster work for you guys?
Some background info

Seachem Phosguard is an efficient, rapid, effective Phosphate and Silicate removal Chemical Filtration media. Reactor unnecessary. External/internal powerfilter,canister, corner filters, etc all can be effectively employed.

CaribSea PhosBuster and PhosBuster PRO, is an IMMEDIATE short to mid-term solution to DRASTICALLY REDUCE phosphate activity, and availability in aquarium water . Thus giving you time to make improvements, and thereafter maintain lowered phosphate risks with a good media such as Seachem Phosguard, above.

Assuming you have eliminated ANY OTHER sources of algal growths, blooms, or cyanobacteria.

Promotes the growth of hard corals, soft corals, pink and purple coralline algae. While helping control nuisance algae.

I have yet to have a single dissatisfied hobbyist, used under supervision...

Safe for ALL aquarium inhabitants.

Maybe this explains it better?
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