Some background info
Seachem Phosguard is an efficient, rapid, effective Phosphate and Silicate removal Chemical Filtration media. Reactor unnecessary. External/internal powerfilter,canister, corner filters, etc all can be effectively employed.
CaribSea PhosBuster and PhosBuster PRO, is an IMMEDIATE short to mid-term solution to DRASTICALLY REDUCE phosphate activity, and availability in aquarium water . Thus giving you time to make improvements, and thereafter maintain lowered phosphate risks with a good media such as Seachem Phosguard, above.
Assuming you have eliminated ANY OTHER sources of algal growths, blooms, or cyanobacteria.
Promotes the growth of hard corals, soft corals, pink and purple coralline algae. While helping control nuisance algae.
I have yet to have a single dissatisfied hobbyist, used under supervision...
Safe for ALL aquarium inhabitants.
Maybe this explains it better?