Polario Pre Orders

7 May 2007
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Just south of Durban
We are hoping to get the new Polario pumps as soon as possible. So I thought I would start a thread to start taking Pre Orders.

Please be aware that we are not sure exactly when they will come in or exactly how much I will retail them for. They are just about ready to go into mass production but as always the much larger overseas markets i.e. USA, Europe, etc. will have huge orders to be filled. We are hoping that we can get them/some before the end of the year, but will just have to see. Obviously I will keep you all up to day with any developments.

Here are some of the awesome features of this revolutionary new turbine pump.


These pumps can be used internally as well as externally on a Closed Loop System. Here some pics showing a simple Closed Loop set up. Notice that there are only bubbles in the pipe because of the low water level in the tank. This is just to show the flow better. In our tanks there will be no bubbles, just flow flow flow!!!





Please feel free to place your pre orders here, or PM or email me.
Thanks Andrew
Right Mekaeel, no more free clams and corals, advice or equipment for you. Gee all those frags from Ivan are going to look great in my tank.

Sims….as above.

:slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer: :slayer:
Right Mekaeel, no more free clams and corals, advice or equipment for you. Gee all those frags from Ivan are going to look great in my tank.

Sims….as above.



Mille, is there only one model (L/H)? If not, what models do they come in?
Galibore there are three models.
S5G – 20 000 l/h
S10G – 40 000 l/h
S20G – 80 000 l/h
No that is not a typo!!

Just kidding above guys;)
um... 80000l/h ...that would be like 95x in my tank... think my fish would still be able to swim?
Remember that the delivery will be through 50mm outlets!! It will be a lot of liter per hour but will be very nicely dispersed. I recon it will be quite similar to a wave of water sweeping across the length of the tank, slowing down and then a wave of water coming from the opposite side. Dead spots and detritus accumulation should be a thing of the past!!
Mmmmm...thats the million dollar question. Price? Any ideas on ball park figures?
Any idea what the max height these things can handle.
Hi AWVince - I don't think that they were meant to pump from a sump to your tank.... Not too sure though.... BUT, with a 50mm "outlet", and the built-in wave-making capability, I think it would rather be "in tank".....

200 British pounds are not THAT much for the biggest pump (80000 litres and hour). Here one would pay for a similar swimming pool pump MUCH more, that can handle 80000 litres per hour!
about 150 pounds

I don't think R3k would be too bad for the big one, just think it's 80000l/h that's
8 M2600 seio pumps at around R800 each and then 4 controllers at R1200 each =R11k and then all those pumps and wires in your nice tank... come to think of it R3k is very reasonable...if they that price I'll definatly get one.
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