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Plug & Play Tunze SA Nano tank


10 Jul 2007
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Plug & Play Tunze SA Nano tank

There are a few plug and play imports on the market today, some with really hefty prices and mediocre equipment to run these Nano's
5 years ago I was asked to do a bank of 15 nano tanks and one large reef aquarium at the University of technology in Durban
I decided to go Aluminium for the Nano display and steel for the 2 meter display, and after 5 years the steel stand, even though it was galvanised and specially treated, the dreaded rust problem has set in, while the aluminium array still looks brand new.

I've put together an all aluminium 600 x 600 x 500 Nano with a few unique features such as a
6 mm skinny overflow. A double floor with a 40 mm outflow from the center of the tank attached to a Tunze 1075 outflow pipe.
The Sump also contains a separate compartment for R/O water .









Supplied with the following Tunze equipment:-

1 x Nano Tunze skimmer 9004
1 x 1073.020 Tunze Silence Return pump
1 x 3162 Tunze Nano filter for Mechanical filtration, charcoal addition and phosphate removers etc.
1 x 3152 Tunze Auto top up with pump
1 x 8850 Tunze Full spectrum LED light fully waterproof as per picture
1 x 6040 Tunze Nano stream with controller which can create real waves and pulse flows between 1 and 10 seconds
1 x 220.010 Tunze Care magnet

Aluminium cladding is available in quite a few colours.

We are also busy with a 600 x 600 x 500 cube which is partitioned and will have an Internal sump with Tunze equipment.

Speak to Anita for more info: anita@aqua-africa.co.za
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Hi Willy, yes it is a good deal, especially as it is all TUNZE :thumbup:
Yes, the compartment will hide all the equipment, skimmer, filter, osmoregulator etc
R1975 incl less 10% discount for forum members, R136.80 courier
Is this entirely plug and play? If I purchase this, do I just need the live stock?
We are willing to do it with your personal specifications, if you have your own tank, or you want your own cabinet for example.
Where are yourll based?

We are in Hillcrest, KZN, that's why if you want we can do a tank especially for you, or you can have your own tank made in Sandton, or we can courier it to you, or you can fetch it, whatever you want, cheers Anita
We are in Hillcrest, KZN, that's why if you want we can do a tank especially for you, or you can have your own tank made in Sandton, or we can courier it to you, or you can fetch it, whatever you want, cheers Anita
Great, I'd like a tank made. I will get back to you as soon as I'm ready. Thank you very much.
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