Be careful with what type of PH pen you buy, I bought a Hanna PH checker (take note it was a "checker" not a "meter") Biggest load of junk I ever bought
I dunno, they seem to be a lot less accurate and designed more for giving you a rough guideline as to what your PH is, whereas a meter will give much more accurate, dependable readings.
To be honest, I spent a fortune on a pinpoint PH meter, I think I used it maybe 4 times, now I just switch it on when I am bored and have nothing else to do, maybe once every 2 weeks.
i just bought the saga ph controller for my calcium reactor,thought i'll just check my ph on the tank itself,got very accurate results with it at day and night.dean what you think of the saga ph monitor?
it is a bit steep.also want one but cant afford it at this stage.probably some high quality PH pen might work.but high quality might be the same price as the saga ph monitor.i hate decisions....
How hard is it to test ph - 5ml in test tube, 1 drop and check the color chart? 20 seconds maybe. With the TM test kit I can tell the diffs between 8.2 and 8.4 without looking at the chart....
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