Hi guys
Nice to have finally found this site.
Have minimal marine experience, but plenty fresh water exp. However, I did share a four foot marine tank with my room mate at PMB varsity a couple of years ago.
Havent really set up my tank yet- really taking my time. Basically at the moment, have a 1 metre, 350 litre tank, Reeftek TS2, couple of SEIOs (820), 250 W MH, RO Unit. Next on the list is getting the lid and cladding done, which should be done by the end of the month, depending on how quickly the handyman works!. Then, will be setting up this badboy.
Looking to go FOWLR first, so will be getting some T5's. In fact, as I think about it, I may not even use the MH right away with corals- will just add more T5's for the softies.
Anyway, thats it for now
Keep it real
Nice to have finally found this site.
Have minimal marine experience, but plenty fresh water exp. However, I did share a four foot marine tank with my room mate at PMB varsity a couple of years ago.
Havent really set up my tank yet- really taking my time. Basically at the moment, have a 1 metre, 350 litre tank, Reeftek TS2, couple of SEIOs (820), 250 W MH, RO Unit. Next on the list is getting the lid and cladding done, which should be done by the end of the month, depending on how quickly the handyman works!. Then, will be setting up this badboy.
Looking to go FOWLR first, so will be getting some T5's. In fact, as I think about it, I may not even use the MH right away with corals- will just add more T5's for the softies.
Anyway, thats it for now
Keep it real