New Traffic Camera

6 May 2007
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Isnt that illegal? If it is a radar it needs to be away from metal. And what if the traffic vehicle is moving?? How is it calibrated?
Isnt that illegal? If it is a radar it needs to be away from metal. And what if the traffic vehicle is moving?? How is it calibrated?

No Tom FAR WORSE that camera reads number plates feeds it to a database checks for unpaid fines and alerts the driver/pig/boer/oxygen thief inside.

moral of the story we are ......... (rhymes with plucked)
just an update on these bastards:(

they have a 600gig pc in the boot wireless, so they just drive up to the station and download...

motors are pimped out hectically but thats not the thing with them, its 24hr surveillance with up 4 camera's mounting in or around the vehicle, so if they catch you jumping a robot they dont stop you, it gets processed at the station and your fine delivered in the mail, there are alot more to these vehicles but unfortunately i am not allowed to tel.
just one more thing, each city is expected to buy 6 of these buggers
thats what i used to do and ended up with R500.00 fine at a roadblock

You need to keep an eye out for things like that, Here it is R200 for no number plate in the front, But it has saved we much more than R200,
not good that.i can see a huge fine collection comming up

the cars that are already patrolling are raking in in excess of 300 000 per month per vehicle
i inspect before the municipalities buy
i am into vehicles as much as reefkeeping:D
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