To all the guys/gals out there that just started in Reef Keeping. Please hear me out!!!!!
I am making the text in red so you can remember this, please...
My tank has been used on numerous occasions as a "hosting" tank for coral and anemones in the past- Due to people buying these types for their new tank, only to see it dying after a couple of days and then ask me for help.
Please guys, there is no shortcut on this, Anemones need a well matured tank with good -no, I refrain- PERFECT Light Conditions as well as a good size tank and GOOD Waterflow.
A 75 liter Nano tank will not work for a Long Tenticle anemone the size of a dinner plate, let alone the fact that the tank is only 01 month old, running without a skimmer or sump.
Please, if you want a nennie so badly, make sure your tank is matured enough as well as ample light and space for the nennies. The golden rule of thumb is: A TANK THAT IS ABOUT 09 MONTHS OLD
These guys get very old, and to buy something- or as in a lot of cases, start a tank to keep Nemo and His Anemone- just for the looks of it without doing any research, is not the way to go in saltwater aquariums.
I am making the text in red so you can remember this, please...
My tank has been used on numerous occasions as a "hosting" tank for coral and anemones in the past- Due to people buying these types for their new tank, only to see it dying after a couple of days and then ask me for help.
Please guys, there is no shortcut on this, Anemones need a well matured tank with good -no, I refrain- PERFECT Light Conditions as well as a good size tank and GOOD Waterflow.
A 75 liter Nano tank will not work for a Long Tenticle anemone the size of a dinner plate, let alone the fact that the tank is only 01 month old, running without a skimmer or sump.
Please, if you want a nennie so badly, make sure your tank is matured enough as well as ample light and space for the nennies. The golden rule of thumb is: A TANK THAT IS ABOUT 09 MONTHS OLD
These guys get very old, and to buy something- or as in a lot of cases, start a tank to keep Nemo and His Anemone- just for the looks of it without doing any research, is not the way to go in saltwater aquariums.
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