New to marine tanks

19 Jul 2015
Reaction score
Doha Qatar Middle East
Hi guys I'm Newbiejb and I'm really new to the marine tank family. My tank is being build its a 800x800x700 cube tank with skinny over flow and sub really exited in starting my journey to the perfect tank can't wait :m01:
Hi, and Welcome to MASA, make sure to read up on what needs to be done to get the cycle going, make sure to get all the test kits you need before you start buying any livestock and keep us updated with info and or queries.
Hi and welcome we will be hanging
around the see the build. All the best
Sorry I meant to say I will have a shorter cycle yes i think its 30% established water from existing mixed tank and then rock thats been in same tank. No I won't buy anything until water is corect
Hi guys i need help my tank is not yet done but i just need to know ones it's stable and running how often and how much water do I need to change. 470 lt tank. Or do i only replace the amount I siphoned out.
Most people do about 10% water change.
But yes you need to replace what you take out.
Hi guys I finally have my tank and plumbing set up doing a cycle with fresh water to remove dirt and particals from tank. But i need help how do i upload pictures.
here is my new tank sorry I cant get them turned




+1 on the neatness of build!
The cladding is awesome!
What a beautiful setup, must say the builder knows what his doing. Please post pics as you fill up with livestock:)
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