
3 Oct 2007
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i've a 24G JBJ Nano is the standard lights fitted (2x 36W 50/50's) too bright for mushrooms, the lumo green shrooms. how much light and current do they need?
More than likely not bright enough I would think, they dont like too much flow either although they do become more accustomed to the flow

oh :welcometomasa:
Welcome to MASA.the lighting is sufficient,and in regards to flow,kanga is right.please post some pics of your setup :)
Just had a look at the wesite, my apologies those lights should be fine,

How long has the sytem been up, my shrooms took a long time to fully open, even while everything else was flourishing
all depends on what shrooms, Dicosoma and Rhodactis can tolerate low light, but Recordias love strong light, even love Mh
all depends on what shrooms, Dicosoma and Rhodactis can tolerate low light, but Recordias love strong light, even love Mh

I think I've the "Hairy" (green) type, what is the scientific name?
thanx for the info, they seem okay for now.
can I use the product "Marine Snow" to feed them?
They don't really need to be fed, monitor them, if the light is insufficient then maybe think about feeding them.
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