Moving house shortly


11 Jul 2007
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Please help, this obviously only applies to the durban guys.

Is there a possibility that anyone knows ways and means of moving tanks, getting those large suckers they use at northlands, we are in westville and will possibly be moving to Padfield Park about 15 Km the 2 main tanks including the 4ft sumps, they are a 5 and 6ft tanks with the cabinets.

I am just putting out feelers at this stage to see what options there are and what help I could get moving the tanks.

I am offering to pay but i am quering the costs and trying to work out all costs in total to move.
Pat I am sure lots of guys will jump in and help.. but check with companies like pivot transport as well, They moved my 2m tank when I moved house, it was sweet, it only took 8 guys 45 min to load, drive and offload, tank was up and running within 2 hours.

Good luck

Thanx for the help muz much appreciated i will follow up with them in the mean time
Knowing the Durban guys a few crates of beer, some Mellow Wood, and a braai afterwards should sort the problem.:)
i know it's not durbs, but just for comparison, moolis @ pet stop in pta charges about R500 to move 2 large tanks from pta to jo'burg (about 6 guys?)
Dude, if I can give some advice. I moved just over a month ago, and it took me (had to collect 300l NSW with 25l bucket first) the hole day. Have a 5 foot, with almost 5 foot sump, stand, canopy and extras. Started only at 13:00 on the tank itself. Had to drain, take out everything, disconnect all, move it, and set it up again. Finished only at 23:00 the night. And I only had the wife who helped me.

Moral of the story: Get the okes to move it for you and save up on a helluva lot of swearing...
when i moved my 4 foot from my parents place i.e from my room upstair to my own place 400m away , it took me 12hrs , i.e drain water , collect in drums , etc etc and carry +- 300lt down a flight of stairs with my dads help , the rest i did myself

as reaper said moral of the story if u can afford to do it , pay someone
yep they move it ect but u gotta offlad the water , put the livestock into containers still a mission
Guys i have a good friend that's the national sales manager for Stuttaford Van Lines I'll ask him what they do if they have to move tanks and let you know..
Guys i have a good friend that's the national sales manager for Stuttaford Van Lines I'll ask him what they do if they have to move tanks and let you know..

much appreciated would be keen to see what they charge.
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