Moorish Idol

7 May 2007
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Hi Guys

Has anyone tried keeping a Moorish Idol with LPS? I saw one in a display tank at G4Y in with LPS and everything looks fine.
Eish i am not sure I would try that. There are some cases of people keepign Idols with corals but IMO i would not try it.
Pretty fish though.
i wouldnt support the import of these fish dude
Calvin i agree with you that they not for most people because of the risk of them not eating or us not feeding them properly. I do however know some local guys that do keep them well fed and they are thriving in the displays. There's also many folks local and internationally that questions the morality in keeping sharks in captivity. I personally do not have a problem with that and would love to one day also have a shark tank.
yes m aware of the exeptions and i know how it feels to get a fish you have allways wanted
there 3 fish i really really want to keep: Gem Tang (off course) Achilles Tang and Moorish Idols. And when i wrap my head around it i would really like to do a marine shark "pond"
Why not set up a FOWLR tank or pond then Robbie ? I want to get one of those big porta pools for my fish !
when you redy for a shark pond i can build you one out of fiber glass ply wood and glass sections if you keen
I would not take a chance with MI's again, tried it and they looked at my tank as one large buffet, would not eat anything else.
Robbie get some Crown of thorns and some MI's for your tank. They will not touch a thing (once everything has been eaten).
Yip I've also not had any luck with MI's
Had a pair and getting them to eat wasn't a problem. Fed a mixture of LPS and SPS daily..
Seriously they went to town. Sadly had to return them to the Indian Ocean.
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had a MI in my 4ft FOWLR system,but he outgrew the swimming space,had to send him back to north pier from where he came.
Sadly had to return them to the Indian Ocean.

Thats what i hate about JHB, we only return to LFS and only ocean to go see is wildwaters in Boksburg...and if you dive behind the breakers at WW the cars on the N12 drive over you..yeah JHB place of gold..
I feel your pain, it is my dream to keep MI but have resigned the idea.. saw a beaut at a LFS 2 weeks ago. I was lucky to see a shoal of about 30 while diving off Mozambique about 4 years ago.

Personally id put it in a reef. There is only one way to find out whether is will nip at coral or not and that is to try... i have kept many triggers and butterflys in a reef and never had a problem. i think when they get hungry they will revert back to what they used to in nature.
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