Manderin Dying!!!

15 Jun 2007
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Kuilsriver - Western Cape
Please help anyone quickly!

My manderin was fine this morning when I took a pic of it, and when I got home now - he's not well. He's lying on the bottom of the tank - very still. It looks like his fins are "shredded" as if eaten by something.

I have moved him to my refugium, but when I put him in, he started to swim in an inverted circle, flipping over.

What could paooibly have caused this?

Will try to get a pic now
Reaper have you checked for ammonia and/or nitrite in the water?




Alan, I don't have my own test kits - will have it checked tomorrow morning. All other stock is fine tho, nothing else has been added since this morning, did a topup with RO water, RO is still new too, so it's not that either
Damn, looking sad, the tattered fins tend to point to a fish under hugh stress and i have found that it is mostly caused by ammonia/nitrite.
I wouldnt say swim bladder i hav to say amonia as this can spike over night
Calvin - I don't know about the ammonia tho, not one of the other fish looks affected - all is healthy. A Manderin is also not the first affected by it; I had ammonia poisoning in my tank a while ago, and the Manderin was one of the only ones to have survived.

However - I am testing my water later today, and I am sad to say that he didn't make it thru the night. Had to take out the poor bugger now. Was so proud of him, eating prepared food...
Sorry to hear Reaper - I also have a "losing mandarin" story - my tank had a major crash in January (sure many people know it by now ;-) - short version: power outage, sump overflowed, casued water to leak into my plugs, power back on, plugs tripped, without power for 3 days, happened 2 times in January this year. Funny things is - my Mandarin survived PERFECTLY well. Bit problem was that my auto-topup was still dripping in water (Very slowly, but still), and when I came home, I had a PURE fresh-water tank. NO salt! My mandarin was OK - but was bloated with the fresh-water that it's little body assimilated..... BIGGEST PROBLEM, was that at that stage I had NO inverts in my tank anymore (all died off) (except for my hermit crabs - they all survived!).... My little mandarin died off about a week and a bit later, due to malnutrition, as I could not get my tank restocked with live-sand or new live-rock, quick enough....

IF it was not for that, my mandarin would most likely still have been alive!

Don't you perhaps have any "bully" fish (e.g. chromis, wrasse, etc.) in the tank that could have harrassed your mandarin into such a state? I know that they say that one should not keep mandarins in tanks where there are "bully" fish, because they might not adapt (being very peaceful and all)....

Otherwise, I am realyl sorry to hear about your loss - funny how attached we reefers/aquarists could get to our little fishies....


Good luck mate....
Sorry to hear dude. What did the water tests show?
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