Lets see your favourite LPS piece :)

Old thread but thought I'd post a pic.. @Omnitank. .told u these guys have tentacles..

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Great, thanks @4age , I have never seen it before.
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Jst be wary of putting corals too near it.. those stinging tentacles were over 5cm in length. ...pic doesn't show it well
Great, thanks @4age , I have never seen it before.

After your lights have gone off, and the house has been dark for a while take a torch and go have a look. You will see a lotf of stuff that you wouldn't normally see, like my cowrie which cruzes around at night but you will hardly see it during the day, and its a great time to see the polyp extention on lps.
I quite often see my chalice corals tentacles come out when lights are on.
Here is one of my favorite chalice..blue alien eye in left cnr of pic


@ 4age
Do you have any frags of this Coral?
Wow, that one is incredibly beautiful!
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