I'm New At This

15 Oct 2007
Reaction score
East London
hello all, this site is very cool, all the info i need in one place, how conveniant!
if anyone can answer my question i would be grateful.
i got a 400L setup which is going to be for fish only. i want to know exactly what to put into my sump. and what negative side effects does having oyster shells in your filter? can you have too many shells in your tank:slayer:
Welcome Kingfisher - and no, you will find many responses that there should not be as many shells in one's tank, as it accumulates detritus.... You should post some pics that we can see your tank :)
Hi Kingfisher, welcome. Most of the folk rely on skimming, deep sand beds and live rock for filtration, as was stated shells will collect detritus which will build up nitrates and eventually fuel algae in the system.
Welcome to MASA
Welcome to MASA.

Yayyy another EL dude or maybe dudette?
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