
24 May 2007
Reaction score
North of Durban and South of Mozambique
Guys. I need all the help I can get. I have a good friend. He is a member (not active though) and is online now. I have been begging this human to start a Marine tank as he has all the equipment(he has a glass Company) to build a proper tank. If you look under his Profile, "Additional Information", you'll see why I need your help. He think it is too Difficult. Please help him right and let us all try and get him an Active member "sign". Btw, he is online now
Hugo...........Come here NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is so much free help here from our members, they are incredibly friendly and will walk you through the whole process step by step, it's great fun, come on dude :D
Masa To Hugo,masa To Hugo.come In Hugo
No No No No No. He has a glass company and is too scared. No way. Lets get him going guys.
He has a glass company and NO TANK!?!

C'mon reefkeeping is easy peasy...
Hi All,

The tank if got by now. Been busy with it for the last month or so. But like any businessman your own work always get moved to make time to do the work that bring the money.
But making a real effort to get tank up and running within the next week.
Will give more info ( AND PICTURES for those who will be asking) shortly.

To Rory,

EAsy peasy? Im sure ill make you take back those words if I see some of the problem the other members have, but I am going to give it a good try.
Hey Hugo welcome to MASA :)

Great to hear you've got a tank in the pipeline.
Feel free to ask as many questions as you need to ;)
Hi Hugo, welcome to MASA. Very difficult to make that first post sometimes its a bit like public speaking, but you have broken the ice now, so please go ahead and ask away.......very friendly place this. Can see you still new at this because you still putting work first, for most of us it goes something like:
Family and work
Everything else
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