How much reading is enough?

4 Jun 2007
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Nothing interesting, just a list of coral literature collected by Eric Borneman. Seems reading and reading and more reading is part of the key to success.

I might be wrong, but then again....
thats all there is to it ;)
Damn, i wouldn't be alive long enough to get thru half of that.
The problem with that list is that most of it is very difficult to get hold of! Trust me I have tried! (especially on a tight budget like mine)

There is no such thing as too much knowlege, excuse the cliche, but knowlege is power. So to answer your question, no amount of reading and research is enough!
Unfortunately most non hobbyist (i hate the word scientific) articles are available through subscription only. I am busy building up a database of clever people articles (scientific) which are accessable free of charge!
Reading is the foundation to all knowledge. Stop reading and your brain turns to detritus:flowers:
Thanks for the post, I will wade through it.. still reading 2 books on inverts.. bends your mind man

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