It's fun...Solving Chem-MYSTERY !!!
Wow that looks fun... So where does one get Sodium Acetate palmerc?
Oh, also what counts as "touching it"? Obviously not the plastic/acrylic container or glass it was in, but the lid or whatever it was poured onto does seem to "count".
I've done this a few times.
..some answers
1) Sodium acetate is easily bought from chemical supplies,a relatively "safe" salt so, no issues with availability.
[AKA E262, food preservative]
Besides those "handwarmers" uncommon in SA, it's used extensively in textile, tanning, print and food industries.
If you smaak, you CAN MAKE YOUR OWN sodium acetate AND "hot ice"
-'pure enuf'-
it WILL WORK, is cheap, and below ingredients are domestic kitchen standards...heheh
Acetic acid (8%), if unavailable, then spirit vinegar(white is best), and some "Bicarb" are all you need besides 2 clean saucepans...some glass tumblers, and ice-tray, but polystyrene trays work too !!!
Method, avail from me, in good Chem texts or online.
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2) Keen eyes there, huh Rory ???
You maybe noticed the CHEAT !!!???
The dude doing the demo, has a grain on his fingertip,
Required for
RAPID proliferation of crystallization.
Without a seed crystal to act as a template for formation of a crystal lattice, crystallization is very slow and a solution can be supersaturated for a long time.
(CaCl2) Calcium Chloride, favoured ionic Ca source for reef aquaria ALSO yields heat when dissolved ...another exothermic reaction !
BTW All supersaturated salt solutions can't be employed for similar dramatic effect, it HAS to be a hydrate form of solid with Phase behaviour, in this case Sodium acetate trihydrate.