Hi All

5 Oct 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town
Hi all. This is the first time I am visiting the site. Been of the net for a while see most guys here from SA reef
welcome to MASA Alfie!
Hey Alfie welcome to MASA, yip the majority of us are from SA.
Welcome to MASA Alfie.

You got a tank ? Lets hear about it :)
My current tank is 1.2 meter and is running for 7 months now. AM Blue 5000 skimmer, AM kalk Stirrer, Am Carben Reactor. Uplift is OR and pawer heads are Tunze. I have just converted my lights from 8 X 28 w T5 to 8 X 54 w T5's. Here are 2 photos one fom April and the other now.
Nothing wrong with that !!!!!!

Great looking tanks :thumbup:
nice tank!!! think its the same tank DR :p
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