Hi to all,
Just a quick hello, I am currenlty setting up a new tank..its a 2 x 0.5 x 0.5 and a sump of 1 x 0.4 x 0.5.
A question does anybody know where I can get 32mm pvc piping in johannesburg, fourways area?
Hi Marvin and welcome to a truly great site with loads of information, great people and free snake bite kits.
Welcome to Masa good site good ppl , no sharks, but as i gather a few humans that bite. LoL
Hi Steven, firstly welcome to this informative site we look forward to hearing more on your set-up which by the way i`d make wider as 50cm is just a bit narrow. Rather go for 60-70cm at least but thats just my opinion.
As for pvc piping we all(mostly) use fab engineering in strydom park,i think its oxford rd.
Thanks.try an irrigation company near you,they stock most sizes of piping