Hey everyone

24 Sep 2007
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Hi all! :wave2:

Was just referred here by someone on another forum. I used to have a freshwater aquarium when I was staying in Durban, but when I moved up to JHB where I am now, I never continued with it.

As a kid my father kept a really awesome marine aquarium, and I used to help him maintain it. So I have finally decided that I want to start up a new marine tank when I get back to KZN. Will be staying in PMB, so its not to far from the coast.

I plan to learn a lot about maintaining a marine tank here, and look forward to learning from you guys!

Welcome Shogan.glad to hear you comming back into the hobby!
Welcome to MASA.
Hey Shogan, welcome to MASA.

Yip PMB not far and there are one or two guy's from PMB here on the board as well ;)
Thanks everyone! Great to see such an active forum... Will be browsing around lots!
Welcome Shogan!! Good luck with your move and the new marine venture. Please ask MANY questions before starting your tank, and PLEASE start it SLOWLY! (not like me - in a hurry - nothing good happens fast in a marine aquarium!)
Thanks I definately will ask plenty first! When I start up, I will be starting with just getting a all filtration and lighting going first! Then after it has all stabilised I will perhaps move onto an extremely basic environment / just fish in water! :)
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