Help, Puppies are being destructive


Retired Moderator
7 May 2007
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In the Koeberg blast radius
Hey guys, any advice on how to keep puppies from digging in the garden, and destroying the flowers and pulling down the washing, seems to have gotten worse lately.

Taking major slack from the gardener aka. A.N.G.R.Y
Concrete your garden and buy a tumble drier.

mhh the madam WANTS a garden, we have a tumble dryer but apparently its good for things to dry in the sun once in a while, what do I know I just live here
My wife loves the tumble drier as much as I love my tank. She even sits and watches the washing tumbling around.
All I see is KA CHING and the electricity bill sky rocketing.

*of course the Halides and Chiller draw such little power, you can hardly call it even* :p
You need to wear the dogs out some other way, they are getting bored and destructive, and as they are getting older, more bored and destructive.
Get the toys that they can chew and destroy, every time chew something they shouldn't. a firm "no" and replace chewed item with toy, and then play with the dog with the toy, you need to reinforce good behaviour to stop bad.

Failing that, nail gun, one in each paw should keep the little buggers quiet - or at least still:whistling:
You need to wear the dogs out some other way, they are getting bored and destructive, and as they are getting older, more bored and destructive.
Get the toys that they can chew and destroy, every time chew something they shouldn't. a firm "no" and replace chewed item with toy, and then play with the dog with the toy, you need to reinforce good behaviour to stop bad.

Failing that, nail gun, one in each paw should keep the little buggers quiet - or at least still:whistling:

so where do i get a nailgun:whistling:

found one
Guys these 'Puppies" have toys upon toys, hooves, dried pig ears, snacks you name it, looking into getting them more chewy type toys to keep them busy, the ones where you put a snack in and its a day job to get it out for them
the toy u mention above works very well!!! we have a little puppy that loves to chew on my mother tables legs. we then just giv her the chew with a little snack/treat inside and the dog will spend hours trying to get the food out....:thumbup:
the toy u mention above works very well!!! we have a little puppy that loves to chew on my mother tables legs. we then just giv her the chew with a little snack/treat inside and the dog will spend hours trying to get the food out....:thumbup:

I got one for each, they are a little confused as they arent used to working for their snacks

But they seem to be busy
Anything you don't want chewed, cover in deep heat (muscle warming spray) it tastes horrible and saved my kitchen, but don't forget the most important thing - you need to play with the dogs or they will get bored, then they start getting destructive.
open the gate,throw a stick and say 'fetch' , as soon as the dog runs to fetch it,close the gate. :lol:

Wait till there is a bus or truck coming down the road. Timing here is very important. :lol:
Wait till there is a bus or truck coming down the road. Timing here is very important. :lol:

Problem is they are both so stocky I'll end up paying for the bus and still filling holes in the garden
Get a cat

Mille I have a 8 week old cat, the puppies are a 2 year old X Ridgeback X Boerboel and a 4 Month Jack russael X 100 other species (his Mom was a sport)

yeah we try and keep them busy but hey
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