
6 Oct 2007
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my name is warrick and i am 12 years old and my uncle leslie is helping me to start a marine fishtank....

i am thinking of a nano

1m x 500 x 600...

i have been told to take things slowly so im going to take my time to do this,,

Welcome to Masa warrick!you got an uncle that knows his stuff and you are on the forum....so you on the right path ;)
Hey Warrick, welcome to the forum, yip Leslie is a good man to have to help you.
Hi Warrick welcome lad, listen to what your uncle teaches you about this hobby he certainly does know his stuff.
Hey Warrick, welcome to MASA. Nice to see youngsters getting involved.
Welcome to MASA Warrick. Sorry about haveing Les as an Uncle. Well you know what they say about family. You can't pick them. :lol:
thanks guys i (hill you crack me up NOT!!!) :)

welcome little buddy i loved the questions you asked me in the car today.... with the sensible thinking you displayed im positive you will have an awsome tank in the near future....

the important thing at your age is just to have fun and learn in the process..

chat soon kiddo

uncle les
Welcome young man
Warm Welcome young man!

You are on the right path although I don't think your intended tank, 10dm x 5dm x 6dm = 300 Liters would still be classified as a nano.

Good luck and keep us updated.
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