Getting my salty on...

3 Aug 2015
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Hey all,

So I started out by looking at the Aquael 37l nano from Jungle and Aquaria's 30 odd litre. A few weeks later and after daily trolling on this forum, I found my way to Yuppie Pet to look at the Infinity Aqua kits. Ended up with the Infinty Aqua 120, and a pissed off wife!!!

The quality of the Infinity set-up is really impressive and clean.

So I got to setting up the tank, laying out Red Sea Pink Reef 'live' substrate and hooking up the heater and skimmer. The unit comes with dual filtration chambers. I moved all the media (sponge, ceramic rings & charcoal) into one chamber. The second chamber will be filled with live rock this weekend. Am leaving the skimmer switched off until the cycle is complete.

Scaping done with Real Reef rock which really looks good (in my humble opinion), and topped up with RO. There was quite a bit of life on the rock, but I think I took too long to set up. Hoping the cycle will bring on new growth. Salinity has settled on 1 021.

Will probably pick up a test kit this week end to monitor levels. As I said in my introduction, this is my first salty and am really looking forward to the learning and experience....







welcome to the lovely world of keeping marines. so you got your tank up and running thats cool. it will be a good thing to run your skimmer now cause there may be a few things that have died on the rock,and you want to skim that out.
post a few pics of your tank
Welcome. Just to let you know that you've set your photo album to Private which means nobody can see the pics you have posted in this thread. You need to set it to Public so that members can see them. :)
Thanks Reefer101

Picked up a Red Sea Marine Care test kit today.

First test - 13/09/2015 @ 17h30:
PH: 8.2
Alkalinity KH: 9.5 / 3.24
Nitrate NO3: 2
Nitrite NO2: 0.1
Ammonia NH3/NH4: 0

Any thoughts...?
Nice looking tank and awesome scaping :)
Are the rocks glued together or placed on each other?
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