
5 Oct 2007
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Cape Town
My Fungia has had babies. The problem that I have is that there are about six on a very small piece of dead coral. They seem pretty stuck and I need to know how I can get them off to move them onto another surface. Can this be done? Will they grow onto each other if I leave them where they are?
Hi Alfie - just want to double-check - are you actually talking about corralimorphs or Fungia? Just want to make sure...
(Where Corralimorphs = "Mushrooms, i.e. Discosoma, or Rhodactis/Ricordia" and Fungia = "plate coral" - LPS)...

Many thanks.

Jacques this is a photo of the parent
wow congrats DAD
WOW Alfie! That's cool that your Fungia plate coral has gotten babies! This is the 1st time I hear of these corals propagating by themselves in an enclosed aquarium.... Even though it is obvious that they should be able to!
Alfie what are the chances of Pics of the little ones, this is awesome

Well done
Hey guys thanks. They are so small I will have to put them in a sourcer and try do do a macro photo.

cool dident know you were that kinky dude

Les as long as they don,t start walking around in the tank:)

Here are some photos guys. The branch they are on is the width f a BIC lighter.
WOW thanks Alfie that is so cool, good luck with them
Thanks Kanga and Les. Do you guys think I should try and remove them onto something bigger so they don't grow into each other.
I would let them get bigger before i move them around

but thats just me, never had to do it before
Well done Alfie, i would leave them be for now, i am sure they will let go when they are ready.
Just an update on the babies. They have all survived and have grown nicely. Will take photos over the weekend again.
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