[FS]: Live Rock (+-400 kilos): Weltevredenpark - JHB

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5 Aug 2009
Reaction score
Weltevredenpark - JHB
All other livestock
Common Name:
Live Rock (+-400 kilos)​
Scientific Name:
various sizes​
How long have you had it?
6 years​
Shipping or Collection only:
collection only​
Your location.
Weltevredenpark - JHB​
R60 per kilo​
All sales to be conducted on the thread.
  • I agree
Selling my well matured LR, loads of sponges, life....excellent stock to help seed or add to existing set ups.​
Live rock

Hello there,

My fiancé and I are interested in your live rock. Please pm me with details of where you are and hold 3kg or so for us. Thanks a bunch.:biggrin:
Pls post more pics of the LR. Looking for 10 kg

Difficult to take pics of all the rock. its in a sump (2m x .70 x .70). the sump is under my frag tank with a very narrow opening to the rock. Like i said i have +- 400 kilos....i'm sure that there are 10 kilos in there that will be to your liking. :m106:
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Difficult to take pics of all the rock. its in a sump (2m x .70 x .70). the sump is under my frag tank with a very narrow opening to the rock. Like i said i have +- 400 kilos....i'm sure that there are 10 kilos in there that will be to your liking. :m106:

Please pm your details so I can make arrangements to collect
hey @Adee please pm me your contact details, i have someone in JHB this weekend and he is driving back to CT on monday, would like about 20kilos or so. will call you. thanks man
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please Pm details and when will collection suits you best week or weekends during day or afternoon
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