Foaming skimmer

6 May 2007
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Hi all,

Was wondering if any had the same problem that I do (with my skimmer that is!)... I have found that every time I have finished with my tank maintainance the skimmer goes mad and produces tons of foam. This overflows from teh colelction cup and generally creates havoc. I was really worried because it looked like soap suds but there are no detergents anywhere near my system. By process of elimination i have now worked out that it happens every time I renew the filter floss that I use on one of my sump overflows between two compartments. The floss is proper filter floss bought from a reputable LFS. Anyone shed any light on this?
it might be that when u removing the filter floss from your sump, u dislodge some of the gunk in the floss and this then goes back into your systemm and so make your skimmer then pull all that same gunk out the water and go mad, as there could be alot of it. just a thought tho. i could we way off the mark here. so take it with a pinch of salt.
Hi Titus, the foam is clear just like soap suds. it seems to be assocaited with teh filter floss as it also happens if i run the system without floss for a few hours and then put a piece of floss in. I have also tried rinsing the floss in claen fresh water before using iot and it does not seem to make that much difference.
Sorry cannot help....but is the floss that important.... is it not possible/easier to siphon the sediment from your sump after settling.
Hi Kevin, the filter floss definitely causes the skimmer to foam, i cant really help with the why part it may have something to do with the bonding agent in the floss. It normally does help to rinse the floss under fresh water. I have found the AM 3 part calcium additive with the alk tablets also causes the skimmer to foam uncontrollable, it is the alk tablets that cause this.
Yip, definitely the floss, also cannot help with the why part. I often use this to help set up a skimmer during the break in period. The best skimmer action (although clear) is achieved when adding some fresh filter floss. Turn the skimmer down so that it just overflows into the cup just after putting filter floss into the system. Once you have skimmed out most of the stuff from the floss, you should turn the skimmer up just a notch to produce a wet skim once run in. No worries about watching the skimmer whilst it is breaking in, especially with a recirc skimmer that can easily flood the wifeys beautiful carpet,
Yup Filter floss it is. I have also found when i stir my tank up a little the skimmer goes mad and as soon as you add your filter floss it goes into overdrive. You can rinse the floss with RO water and that will stop the mass foaming.
I was told to soak the floss in warm water and let dry before using it - this works for me.
In the 3 years of being into reefing I have never ever heard of this. Just goes to show that there is always something new to learn.
When you change your filter cloth the surface tension of sea water changes..its not as bad as when you have just cleaned the old filter...try cleaning the skimmer cup after the filter clean as the wet foam usually only lasts about 5 min..this is an indication that your shimmer is running on the wet side.
Thanks all. Did not think of the surface tension but that is a good point Glynn. Was pertified that the floss was releasing some sort of detergent! Sunburst, the floss is not there permanently. I use it after cleaning up my tank to minimise the length of time it takes to get all the suspended sediments etc out of the water. It normally stays in for a few days then I remove it.
Welcome Glynn, nice to see you on MASA :D
kevin,did you by any chance start dosing any new additives recently,that could maybe have an effect on skimmer?
Well well, about bloody time, welcome Glynn, gr8 to have you as an active member. :wave2:
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