fish missing

25 May 2015
Reaction score
Fourways, Johannesburg
so i havent actually seen the damselfish since friday :(
i'm confused as there arent any other predators in the tank?
theres just the two clowns, blue legged hermit, scarlet reef hermit, nassarius, the watchman goby & the bicolour blenny - the only creature that could cause another to disappear would be the carpet anemone but surely it couldnt have ate the damsel?

any ideas guys?

The same sorta thing happened with the last molly - just disappeared one day
If you have any portion of a proper clean up crew, then they will sort a dead fish, especially something small like a damsel, out quickly overnight.

Bristle worms would pull it in half under the rock work and should quickly get rid of the corpse even before the skimmer starts reacting.

Agree with @RiaanP you would be amazed at how many bristleworms exist in your system and how quickly they get to work.
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well thats some sad news indeed.
always thought i might catch a glimpse of some remains but i geuss bristleworms are quicker than i thought.
wouldnt something like this cause ammonia issues? even if its a small spike?
the only creature that could cause another to disappear would be the carpet anemone but surely it couldnt have ate the damsel?
Carpet Anemone's have been known to eat fish, I experienced this once, although the fish was sick and riddled with whitespot so it may have died in the night and floated into the anemone, but just to show that they'll fit any sized fish in their mouth...



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I also think carpet anemones are at the top of the list of fish eaters between all the different anemones we normally found in our tanks.

Normally with sick fish. Think it also got something to do with the carpet position, normally low down between substrate and the rock. And with the currents in our tank, easier for a sick fish to "wash up" against it.
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