Fish feeding

7 May 2007
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do fish eva stop eating ??? i put food in the tank , wait for it all be eaten , then add more , same procedure but my fish neva seem to get full or will they eventually ???
lol, that's why it's so easy to overfeed your system, fish will carry on eating till they pop, and somehow have the ability to still look hungry.

Don't be tempted to feed more because they are still taking food, a lot of the food is missed and ends up decaying in your system.
Beg to differ here, fish will stop eating when they are full, but to get to that stage they do eat quite a bit and is never a good idea to feed that much as the food could compact in the fish gut and cause problems for the fish.
i feed twice to thrice a day.but everytime i walk up to my tank,the fish swim righ up to the glass and just want more and more.but at the same time i dont overfeed,trying to keep nutrients low.just enough food for the fish to consume within a few seconds...then a little more and a little more.get what i mean?
yep i do the same , just a little more but the more part neva stops ...
so when does one kno when to stop ???
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