Featured System February 2008 - Reef Maniac

Our Featured System for February belongs to Reef Maniac...

Congratulations on a well matured LPS system.


Click on the photo to see the full feature.

Your free hamper of Omega One foods compliments of Henk Hugo of www.peckoltia.co.za will be on it's way to you shortly.

nice one! please send me a PM with your address where the couriers can contact you.
The "click here button" does not work. Very nice system Hennie, congrtulations.
lol, Alfie, give me a chance to update all the links with the new threads ;)

Congrats Hennie, great system.
Well done Hennie. Was wondering when your tank will feature as totm. Some time ago I mentioned to you that I have never seen such big softies, and I'll say it again. They are beautiful and very healthy. Again well done on a truly amazing system....
Well done Hennie, a very worthy winner everything in that tank seems exceptionally healthy.:thumbup:
Really stunning, and that frogspawn, wow

Well done to a great aquarist and a gentleman
Stunning Hennie. Your tank reminds me of a well fed puppy. The biggest plumpest Trachyphlia, Euphlia i have ever seen.
Do you have a diy thread on your top up. Sounds like not even Eksdom can mess with this one.
Love your tank. :thumbup:
You should see this tank in person. Hennie, you can take better pics! Your photos does not do your tank justice :p

That Euphyllia is almost growing out of the tank (sideways) It is one 1/3 bigger than last time I saw it. The one leather is growing out of the tank and the corals are growing at such a rate that you will have to upgrade to a decent cube. I'd say 2m x 2m x2m should keep you corals happy for say about another year :)

Thank you so much Hennie oh Guru of gurus, for sharing your beautiful tank, your knowledge, and your humbling philosophy on reef keeping.

Just reread the article and wow, lovely tank with tons of common sense and knowledge there.

Great Hennie
Our Featured System for February belongs to Reef Maniac...

Congratulations on a well matured LPS system.

Viper, Thank you for the honour.

Your free hamper of Omega One foods compliments of Henk Hugo
will be on it's way to you shortly.

Henk, my fish love Omega One, so they thank you in anticipation... Just one request from my lion fish: can Omega One PLEASE send me a tin of live baby fish (or not so baby, just as long as they fit into my mouth).

To everyone who posted to congratulate me - THANK YOU for the kind words, I really appreciate it.


Give some of us a chance, awsum system Hennie and well done on a great feature.
Wow, what a great tank. Nice engine room, with all the add-on's to the max. :thumbup:

I really like the goniastrea

Congrats Menneer, a truly inspiring system :thumbup:
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