Extremely high ph

Ya mekaeel thats fine buddy just when it hits 9.0 them you got problem..:)
cool, its all good now. 8.6 in the morning and at night for 2 days in a row now. tropic marin tripple buffer. put in 10 scoops on sun and 1 every morning after that. i will cont. to add 1 scoop every morning
Cool. Good to hear. So it seems it was due to low buffer levels then.

Are you still dosing the kalk at same quantities you were? If so it would really confirm the low buffer theory.

yeah, i have been dosing kalk the same as usual. so it was definitely the low buffer theory. im going to keep an eye on it for a bit still. do you recon the way im buffering is good. my weekly dose split into 7 and added daily rather that one go once a week as instructed.
Yeah, i dose my kalk at night from a stirrer and top up, when the light are out in the display. my fuge runs on a reverse light cycle and is loaded with chaeto. i then dose my buffer in the morning once the kalk has stopped, the fuge lights are off and the display lights are starting to come on. then in the evening before the kalk starts and the lights swap over i dose my magnesium. this keeps my ph at 8.6 at any time i measure ( OBVIOSLY BESIDES FOR WHEN I STUPIDLY DONT ADD BUFFER FOR ABOUT 2 WEEKS) and then still seem suprised when it all goes for a ball of shit
It is better if you add the weekly dose in several smaller doses than all at once. More constant conditions are always better

But it all depends on how diligent you are and your system as well. I dose weekly without any problems, and normally raise my dKH around 1-1.5 units at a time. However some systems may just not tolerate the dKH decreasing over a period of a week and then increasing again so suddenly.
i have been thinking of doing this with a dosing pump and controller.
Hi Tank-o-Holics - Buffer CAN lift your pH, IF your pH is low. BUT, it can also decrease your pH, if your pH is HIGH. Buffer (commonly - but not always) - consists of sodium bicarbonate/carbonate. Which has a pH of 8.2/8.3.....
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