RSS EcoSmart Live is the first ecosystem to have Apple Watch integration

MASA Admin

8 May 2007
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This post is not for the masses of people who read this site daily, it’s for the uber geeks who want to be the first to learn about the most esoteric reef aquarium geekery. Controlling your reef aquarium with a phone or computer is now old hat, everyone’s got an Ecosmart Live or Apex Fusion account these days.

You know what’s cool? Controlling your reef tank with your watch! An Apple Watch no less. A few weeks ago Ecotech Marine teased a photo showing some basic aquarium settings from EcoSmart Live being controlled with an Apple Watch, and we’ve just having an utter nerdgasm at the notion, despite not ever having an smart watch ourselves.

Today while perusing the swanky new webpage for the Vectra pump we spotted another reminder that EcoSmart Live can play nice with Apple Watch. To be honest, we’ve never really felt the need for having a smart watch, but anything that brings us closer to our reef tanks, and getting it to do what we want, when we want it, is a whole other level of functionality that aquarium power users will definitely appreciate.

As you’d expect you won’t be programming any sophisticated lighting programs with EcoSmart Live on the Apple Watch. Instead you can flick your wrist to access some basic features of lighting, flow, and presets like feed mode and storm mode. We don’t really feel the need to get notifications about what the entire world is doing on a smartwatch, but being able to have an Apple Watch double as an aquarium remote is the pinnacle of reef junky status.
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