Crazy maroon clown

7 May 2007
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I've got a maroon clown that lately has got a bee in its bonnet and goes around knocking my sps colonies over. I've watched her and she's claimed an entire section of the tank, if i put anything in that area, she rams it... Knocking it over. And then looks very pleased with herself.
This is rather irritating as my sps keeps landing face down on the substrate or LR. I've moved most of the pieces up where she hardly ventures and they've stayed there but i'm running out of space, every few days she claims a new segment and upturns all the corals in that area.
My wife is very fond of the clown so i'm reluctant to take it out and don't have a suitable sump to house her.
And ideas pls guys
Putty on the base of your sps frag and keep the clown `entertained` for 10-15 mins till it hardens would be my suggestion before i either remove the clown or restructure the rockwork.
Take the fish out of the tank, throw it on the floor, when the wife wakes up in the morning, say "Lovie, come look quickly, the clown jumped out the tank, it's lying dead on the floor, ag shame"
haha.i'll go with what Dean mentioned
:lol::lol: I've come pretty close to that... I've got a long stick that i give it a hiding with everytime is starts eyeing out 1 of the corals!
But as soon as i turn my back... There goes the next 1. I've had my hands in the tank more over the past 2 weeks than the whole year.
:lol: it must be a female... Frustrated with the interior decororating!
Been thinking bout gettin an anem for her but not sure
But if she's ramming the corals won't she possibly break them if they are glued down? I don't know if a fish is strong enough to do that?
I'm sure she could break the corals... She's got enough power to push an acro frag, attached to a piece of rock bout 5x5cm... Flying, i was quite suprised by the strength.
I attached the hydno to a bigger rock...worried because its already landed on my pocillopora and killed a section. But that went flying too .
to glue the corals down would also mean having to strip alot of the rockwork... Not keen at all
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