RSS Coral Fluorescent Protein (CFP) Checker Flashlight makes it easier to search for spec

MASA Admin

8 May 2007
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The Coral Fluorescent Protein Checker Flashlight is the coolest tool we’ve yet seen to help us reefers to “paint by numbers” with the different wavelengths of LED colored light. Like the full-spectrum edition KR93 the CFP Checker flashlight is a joint collaboration between Eco-Lamps, 1.023 World and Blue Harbor Japan. The CFP Checker Flashlight comes in seven different models, each with an LED emitter with a specific wavelength of light known to overlap with the fluorescent pigments of corals.*


The CRF Checker Flashlight comes in seven colors of light with one watt LEDs that have peak light emisison at 365, 380, 400, 420, 450, 475 and 500nm wavelengths. So basically with a set of seven CRF Checker Flashlights you can quickly glance at the fluorescent potential of corals in aquariums and stores with UV light, deep blue, royal blue, blue and cyan colored lighting to excite the whole*gamut*of coral fluorescent proteins.*The CFP Checker flashlight is priced in Japan for the equivalent of $375 for the whole set or $268 if you omit the flashlights with the more exotic and questionably useful 475 and 365nm flavors.

With the marine aquarium hobby experiencing a strong subculture of niche reefers going after super colored disc corals, crazy chalice corals and wild zoanthids we can see the CFP Checker Flashlight being wildly popular in the United States. We like our reef toys and we especially love them if they help see our corals in a really cool light, and help us discover sneaker awesome corals that haven’t yet displayed their full potential. We hoep to be rocking a set of the CFP Checker Flashlight in time for MACNA and ReefAPalooza to add to our coral shopping game.*[1.023 World]


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