Congrats MASA staff!!!


Retired Moderator
7 May 2007
Reaction score
In the Koeberg blast radius
Hey guys congratulations on the November newsletter, really stunning and interesting. The format is awesome.

Keep up the good work
Thank you Sir, all done by Galibore :thumbup:

By the way, if you missed the previous ones they can be seen here
Nice work uncle Gali
Did you see our Featured System last month?

Have you seen our Calculators page?

What you on about Old Man Viper? :):razz:
Thanks Kanga. Next month's promises to be even more loaded...:)
havent read this months letter as yet.still im my inbox.but i must im impressed with the previous letters.keep up the good work guys
Thats strange Milli, is your email adress still the same as when you registered, this goes out to all our members.
I think Dragon should have been an author or sports editor. He has a poignant well balanced insightful opinion in and out of the tank. Even has a keen eye for the sports field where he has identified the reason why we are world champions ...again
Agree with you Shaun, I also enjoy Anthony’s writings.

Thanks for resending the newsletter, I got it this morning. My addy is the same, maybe I deleted it without realising it or something. Anyway no worries as I have it now. Thanks.
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