Odd question, I see lots of posts about nuisance algae, my concern is my LACK of nuisance algae!
I put the first hermits (blue legged) in after 1 week and 2 cleaner shrimp in after 3. After 2 months of running (yay) I dont have any visable algae at all. I'm using supplements and doing regular water changes with RO topup.
Should my LACK of alge growth be a concern? My only thought is a lack of proper lighting (4x54watt T5's) I've got 2 more I want to add this week.
Tank size is 450Liters, 1500mmx500mmx750mm.
Odd question, I see lots of posts about nuisance algae, my concern is my LACK of nuisance algae!
I put the first hermits (blue legged) in after 1 week and 2 cleaner shrimp in after 3. After 2 months of running (yay) I dont have any visable algae at all. I'm using supplements and doing regular water changes with RO topup.
Should my LACK of alge growth be a concern? My only thought is a lack of proper lighting (4x54watt T5's) I've got 2 more I want to add this week.
Tank size is 450Liters, 1500mmx500mmx750mm.