Urgent help needed Clowns have brooklynela

19 Jul 2015
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Doha Qatar Middle East
Hi so all my clown have broolynela my powder blue died aweek ago from itc and he hippo tang followed soon after now all my clowns is affected. I bought a uv steriliser light and installed it yesterday morning. Its a 55w and my tank is 450 lt its flowing at about 1000lt/h through uv. I cant move them all to qt in treating my tank with resqmed. Looks like they are still eating not as mush but taking some pelets flakes and frozen. Will they pull through or must i prepair for complete tank wipe out cant believe this is happening. Please need help. Here is my latest parameters

You'll have to bring down the flow rate to control some of the white spot and related parasites. A 55w uv requires a flow rate of approximately 300 l/h, above that if you only want to target algae spores.

Brookynela is a quick killer, start by treating the affected fish in qt with formalin based medication.
Seachem paraguard can be found at most shops. Use in qt setups only.
@Newbiejb just a observation/suggestion. While you are trying to save your tank rather hold off on purchasing other fish until you have everything under control. I know its difficult to resist the urge of purchasing new fish but at the end it will save you a great deal of money and heart sore. Hope you get things under control, good luck.
Brook live cycle is very much the same as Whitespot.
For me, the only option is to bucket transfer the fish, for 10 to 12 days. Then keep them in another clean system for 5 to 6 weeks, even 2 months. Before re-introducing them into your system.
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Wont moving cause stress
Yes Moving would cause stress.

But then again, staying in an infected area will do more harm.

Brook is worst than whitespot. Kills fish faster.
Ok so here is a update 3 clowns looks much better they are eating more. I think they gone make it. I used a combination of resqmed,uv light and metroplex with focus in their food let see what happens the next couple of days.
Update tx for all the advice clowns doing weĺl. Just my opinion you shouldn't have to remove fish and put them in quarantine as first option that cause more stress i pulled them through without removing them. Limited their stress by leaving them in tank and treating with metroplex and focus in their food i have a full reef tank with invertabrates with out any ill effect. Just my 2c worth. Tx again will be keeping that as standard in my fish cupboard
Don't get too excited - your fish might have cryptocaryon and this is just the encysted phase before the ich comes back with gusto...
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