Circulation - Polario

6 Aug 2007
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Hi Guys
I'm planning a 1220 x 750 x 650h aquarium and want to add the 40 000LPH polario pump when it finally gets released. Might add one on the base of the tank too.
I plan to plumb it externally and splitting the inlets between 2 sets of 2 x 50mm holes (one set on each short side of the tank).
I'm a bit worried the Polario will be a bit over kill on an mixed reef but am hoping that splitting the outlet would help, remembering that the flow will also be fairly dispersed based on the 2 x 50mm split.
Your thoughts and advice on this would be appreciated.

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Ryan - yes - it is a bit of overkill - BUT, there are some people there who believes you cannot have enough flow :)
The true answer will be: depends on what life-stock you want to keep. I.e: too much flow is not recommended for some (I think most) LPS species, BUT for SPS this is exactly what they need (well - most SPS in in any case).....
BUT, I would say that you would only need one of these pumps, not 2. IF you had to go for 2, you would end up with +-75000 litres per hour of water flow. (the 5000 you will most likely lose in the head of the piping)..... In a 1.2 metre tank, I would say: WOW!!!!

You could end up with a snow-storm or perhaps sand-storm.....

If you want to split the outlets up, you would have to split it at least 4 ways..... to reduce each outlet to +-8000 to 9000 litres per hour.....

You might end up blowing your life-stock away :)

Another thing - you will have to ensure that your over-flow will be able to feed enough water to the pump that your sump does not run dry all the time.....
Thanks, the pump is basically a closed loop so no need to worry about the overflow etc.

I think it may be a good idea to split it then between 4 sets of 2 x 50mm. One set on each short side and two sets in the base (one infront of the live rock, one behind).

I currently run a vortex pump which does 12000LPH via a 50mm outlet and i could do with another one to be honest. The dispersed flow of the 50mm outlet makes a huge difference.
Well - it sounds good. Unfortunately I do not have too much experience with closed loop systems. I currently have 3 power-heads in my 2 metre tank (in total +-23000 litre per hour flow (including my 1900 litre per hour return from sump)= +-36 times my total volume turnover per hour) and I have a DECENT flow going on in my tank. So this is what I compared the 40000 litre per hour pumps to..... My Resun 15000 is a 15000 litre per hour power-head on a wavemaker timer. It has an outlet of 50 mm - BUT you should see the powerful stream of water that comes out of there when the pump goes to the "full power" setting on the wavemaker! WOW! The turbulence in my tank is HUGE at that stage.....

Having more outlets is better I think - to ensure that you don't get dead-spots....

I have noticed the I currently have 3 "dead-spots" in my tank where detritus gets a chance to settle..... I still have to get this sorted....
i also want to know, or can't we organize a group import?
Well I will get it it from the suppliers as I own a lfs.

I've become paranoid about waterflow since imacsa and because this is my new personal home tank i dont want to duff it.
Ryan, 4 sets of 50 mm outlets should be fine to disperse the flow without creating havoc. You would probably angle some of them off the glass as well. Will give you awesome flow.

You going BB ?
Well I will get it it from the suppliers as I own a lfs.

I've become paranoid about waterflow since imacsa and because this is my new personal home tank i dont want to duff it.

can you get for me? how much? (pretty please :))
Hi Anthony

Thanks. I was thinking that. The tank is faily wide at 750 so well placed outlets will do the trick and bouncing off the glass a definite. The only thing i hate is planning a system on something that hasn't been used befor, and something there is not much info about. I am a stickler for new gadgets.

I'm going ssb, I dont like the look of bb and my sand sifting stars will be chipped with me. :)

What, are there still some of us out there with sand beds? Seems like we a dying breed.
More serious note, Ryan that does sound like alot of flow for a 1.2m tank esp if you going for a mixed reef, IMO your LPS might take abit of strain.
Thanks alan, I was dreaming about that last night and i dunno if its gonna work on that tank too well, bit hectic, the plumbing might also look a bit ridiculous if not planned properly. I'm also a bit sceptical about how random the flow will actually be. I have an aquatronica controller that will do a better job at giving me random flow but then i have to have pumps in the display, which i'm trying to minimise this kind of eye-sore. There is a smaller polario that does 20000LPH which might be a better option.

Or I was also thinking of a few votec pumps as they are coming out with really cool "wireless" controller options but oh the pain to my pocket.

The polarios are apparently being released in the states in 4-6 weeks time and then here shortly thereafter.
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