Chromis dying

19 Jul 2015
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Doha Qatar Middle East
Hi im wondering if any is experiencing mysterious deaths from your blue green chromis bought at one of the sponsors. I bought 2 batches one of 3 and then they all died in a month and then 5 again same lfs and lost 2 already in a month. My water parameters is good no problem their. My hermits, cleaner shrimps, goby and Cardinal is fine. Im realy at my wits end with this issue hope someone has some answers.
Sound a bit weird but chromis is known to kill each other until they happy. But your case sound different
What are their symptoms?
My chromises killed each other before, I had a lot and now only have 2. They eat and few hours later dead. Never looked into it as I know with my previous tanks I had the same issues. A good friend lost all his and all other fish healthy and sps growing out of the tank
they kill each other off one by one until you left with only one..I had 12 in my 2m..ended up with one in a short space of time
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