Friend of mine run into the unfortunate event of loosing his powder blue to whitespot. I does not have the space available to quarantine the rest of his fish, so I'm helping him out. Half way through the bucket method.
This is the holding bucket with cover to prevent jumping. Half the container is covered by 2 pieces of eggcrate and the last part with a towel to provide some darkness.
Every second day I do a 50% water change to the new bucket. Still using the filter chamber (one with 19mm connections) with a pump inside the old container. The membrane is 5 micron. Whitespot smallest size is 25 micron.
Doing the water change. The old bucket is on the table.
Containers side by side. Fish still in old container. I use one of those reptile hides per bucket where some of the fish can hide in.
Fish moved over. I use a small spider fish tank to chase the fish into and transfer them with minimal water to the new bucket. I do not like to use nets, especially for angels and foxfaces.
Refilling the new bucket with 25L water from my main system. If your main system is infected, then do not directly use that water. Either new mixed salt or use the filter system I got. The tap is barely open, allowing the water to drain for about 30 minutes if not more.
This is the holding bucket with cover to prevent jumping. Half the container is covered by 2 pieces of eggcrate and the last part with a towel to provide some darkness.
Every second day I do a 50% water change to the new bucket. Still using the filter chamber (one with 19mm connections) with a pump inside the old container. The membrane is 5 micron. Whitespot smallest size is 25 micron.
Doing the water change. The old bucket is on the table.
Containers side by side. Fish still in old container. I use one of those reptile hides per bucket where some of the fish can hide in.
Fish moved over. I use a small spider fish tank to chase the fish into and transfer them with minimal water to the new bucket. I do not like to use nets, especially for angels and foxfaces.
Refilling the new bucket with 25L water from my main system. If your main system is infected, then do not directly use that water. Either new mixed salt or use the filter system I got. The tap is barely open, allowing the water to drain for about 30 minutes if not more.
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