Beach-goers rally together to save beached Great White off Cape Cod

23 Jan 2008
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Cape Town - There have been some pretty spectacular encounters with sharks doing the rounds - and this footage of beach-goers helping a great white back to the ocean is one of them.
Posted to YouTube by Mike Bartel, it shows how a juvenile great white struggles for survival after beaching itself while trying to catch seagulls off Chatham, Massachusetts.

Bartel said, "Thanks to the harbour master and beach-goers, this shark was saved."

While the footage does not show the shark swimming off to the safety of deeper waters, one commenter Anthony Fusaro said, "I live there and went to the beach when it happened, I can assure you that after about 10 minutes of pulling it in it did regain consciousness and swam off."
But the sharks in these two videos that took us by storm recently are very much alive.
WATCH: Beach-goers rally together to save beached Great White off Cape Cod | Traveller24

@leslie hempel is that you securing the shark? :lol: looks like your twin...
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Thanks for sharing this! Those guys were brave standing knee deep in water with a great white!
Just a note on the spectators, there was enough of them to drag that shark back to the water. I find it interesting how people have become so dimmed by technology that they would rather record it the poor thing dying rather than try assist, good job the the guys that kept it wet, key would have been to get the water in the mouth of the shark to pass the gills at least.

Hopefully if we find ourselves in a similar situation we would have acted a little differently and faster, well done to those who took the initiative to tow it out into the water.

Thanks for sharing.
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