ATI Aquablue Spezial Review

Hey Ivan.

Perhaps we could get a pic with the white one turned on next time?
Its on dude! The AM (bottom) is on alright, on a go slow!
pics for comparison, both globes same ageTop ati aquablue spezial, bottom Aqua medic 10 oook


In each pic the ati is the top globe and the AM the one below!
Only the AM has a rating of 10K. Dunno what kelvin rating the ati is, not really concerned bout it either. either. Strange thing is one cannot even see the blue tint on an ati aquablue with the naked eye. First time i realised why called aquablue spezial was when i took a pic of it.
This pic is a comparison of ati blue with ati aquablue spezial:

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