Are you Banting?


4 May 2007
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Who's Banting? Anybody got any success stories to share? Or recipes. :p
I am. Been doing it since May last year. I was still eating too much protein so only lost a bit. However, I have come off my statins, (my cholesterol was too low). These days I am a ketogenic banter and I only have 15g of net carbs per day. I have lost 10kgs in the last month. Since may last year I have dropped in insulin from 100units a day and now use 15 units.

Banting is a health life style, not a diet. It will help with weightloss only if done properly, you can't have "cheat" days.
Whole unprocessed food is the answer and way to go.
Stay away from food that is processed and comes from factory.

In terms of recipes, I have so may that I have made myself, but that would be very tedious to write down.
Stop being lazy @carlosdeandrade , let's see those recipes ( smiley face )

My gf parents have been on the Banting eating plan since mid last year. They have both lost a lot of weight and seen benefits in their overall health. But ad Carlos says, def not a quick and they have been very strict about carb intake, cheat days, etc.
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Hey, it's a tough diet to follow, because it cuts out so many options. You have to be very strict and can't cheat.

But if you can stick to it, it works. If you do it properly you really don't feel hungry at all.

I did it for 18months, just before my last Comrades Marathon when I was running 100km a week or more. I just lost too much weight and started eating carbs again to maintain weight.
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No it's not hard to follow, for me at least, I eat like a king. I also do it first for health.
friend of ours is on banting , its expensive...but works

Not expensive either, only expensive bit might be your coconut oil, or almond flower. (People tend to buy these to make banting bread, because they miss the bread, if you bant well you wont miss carbs)

Processed food is so much more pricier than fresh veges. We actually spend less money in our house on groceries.
hahahahaha clearly you guys are not diving enough
My doctor told me the other day that they have had so many people in to see them at their practice with problems from the Banting Diet, the doctors hate the diet. It does sound like it helps some people but is there a long term problem, not sure, the jury is still out....
Hi Anita

I started off doing a ketogenic banting last year in July. To date I have lost 22 kgs. I have now shifted to a Paleo diet which in essence is the same but you are allowed low sugar fruit etc. and I have maintained my weight and healthier that ever. The golden rule is non processed foods and stay away from sugar and gluten.

With regards to fruit, if you are as active as I am now (thanks to my weight loss my lifestyle changed and I burn 10000 Calories a week at peak training) high sugar fruit is not an issue (I use raisins for example as a recovery food as it has an alkalizing effect on the body) as well.

It all starts with the golden rule of what you put in you must put out.
Just telling you what the doctor said, I am not for or against Banting, because I have not tried the diet. I do believe in life style change rather than dieting, because that is long term, look at the Atkins Diet, every one was on it, now nobody seems to be doing it, although people lost a lot of weight, cheers Anita :)
Is the Banting Diet no carbs, high protein and fat ?

Surely this can affect cholesterol intake ?
@Anita, there are no problems with the lifestyle. The issue is people mix the banting with old way of eating. (oh, lets have a pizza, or a cake on the weekend.) This messes with your macronutrients and eventually the way your body processes your food.

I converted my personal physician who at first though it was a fad.

I only eat Saturated fats, moderate protein and lots of veggies (MY CHOLESTEROL IS PERFECT, HbA1c is that of a non diabetic)
Stay away from any sugars and processed carbs

Doctors hate the lifestyle because it goes against what they have been taught for many years.
Did you know that the biggest selling drugs in the world are statins?
Yet, we are suppose to eat low fat this and that, eat vegie oils (that are hydrogenated and chemically changed), we are told to base our diets according to the food pyramid, yet the world is getting fatter and we can't out gym/run a bad way of eating.
We are quick to look for escape goats, like "ooo, my parents have fat genes"

Have you looked back on any old photos of your grandparents, where they fat?
In the late "50's we had a man called Ancel Keys that changed the way our world thinks, by proclaiming fat as bad, and so the world followed along with tons of disease.

If you can read the book "A big fat suprise." by Nina Teicholz. Brilliant book.
Most drug companies sponsor studies supporting low fat diets, coke sponsors many dieticians and fitness experts.
In the end the world is slowly dying.

I will never revert to my old way of eating, banting has saved my life and I know many, many more. No doctor will tell me I am wrong when my blood tests and results have spoken for themselves.
And, yes, I feel that strongly about this.
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Is the Banting Diet no carbs, high protein and fat ?

Surely this can affect cholesterol intake ?

low carbs, mod protein, high fat (good fats)
No it doesn't increase cholesterol.
Stay away from any hydrogenated oils (sunflower, cannola, seed oils, that have been heated so as to be extracted from the seed).
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Doctors hate the lifestyle because it goes against what they have been taught for many years.

There's an excellent series called "The men who made us fat". Basically its how what was deemed "healthy" was decided by a few money hungry men and the sugar industry. Most likely the same info as the book you mentioned.
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