Any Ideas about a Marshal Island Wrasse

6 May 2007
Reaction score
Inverness Scotland
I've been offered a really nice 5" Marshal Island Wrasse by my local fish store.

Its a real cracker .....very colourful and peaceful with the other smaller tank mates at the store.

I've come home to try and find information about it and drawing a blank...

Any help or info appreciated guys......
never heared of a pic or link?
Have you got a scientific name for it?

That's what I was looking for ...... amongst other things. Can't even find a photo.

I asked for the shipping lists but this fish has been in the store a few weeks and I have looked at it a few times, just wish I had asked sooner,

The big question, do I take the chance......
Its Yellow/green base with typical wrasse markings of various colours from yellow through to red

If I get it I will arrange for it to be returnable I'm thinking......... My LFS is great like that
im sure if you purchase it and somebody ID's it,if its not safe you LFS will swop it for you,or you can make an arrangement with them
Garry my lfs owner would just give me a full refund, knowing him
he would even come to my house to collect it too........

Ok thanks anyway guys

I'll post a pic when I can
or maybe its a wrasse that came from Marshall Island or something like that
Eh.......... ok you've got me.

Maybe it was on holiday when it was caught...... Like the hawaiian angel that was caught in the red sea ;)
dont they enjoy corals and shrimps
they do enjoy corals and shrimp and even the odd roach i keep one in my sump amongst other nasties
i think it is called a lunar wrasse
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