Angels, Butterfly's and Corals


4 May 2007
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Hi all

Are there any corals that are safe in a tank with various angels and butterfly's?
lol so much for going FOWLER
What can I say, I'm missing my corals :(

There must be something, what about zoo's, mushrooms, ricordia, pin cushions?
think butterflies would love em, angels 50 50 chance IMO
Zoos and Mushrooms should be okay. Otherwise you could do gorgonians, nothing chows them, too toxic.
I have 5 Angels in my tank and they LOVE zoos,sps,brains and disc corals the only thing thats left in my tank is all my mushrooms, Leathers ricordias,frogspawn and suncoral the rest is history.Go angels!!!!!
I've had angels (semis, rhomboides, Coral Beauties, Jumping Beans) and b/flies (aurigas, vaggies, lunula, kleinii, dolosus) with SPS, softies and LPS with little to no problem. Once the aiptasia were gone the b/flies occasionally pecked on Star Polyps and slime from SPS but not enough to be a problem.
Oh well, looks like it's going to be trial and error :( I did have 2 hammers and 2 frogspawns and a clam in the tank, but they all started getting nailed by the butterflies so I had to remove them. I have one type of mushroom still in there that seems to be safe "for now".
My auriga and vagabond climbed into the Zoas! Haven't bothered to try anything less substantial

Recently caught dolosus shows no interest at all! And niether does lunula or madagascar..
iv had lulunas kill a carpet nenny 60cm accross
At the moment I have the following:

1 Jumping Bean angel - doesn't touch anything.
1 Emperor Angel

1 sunshine butterfly (I think)
2 vagabond butterfly's

My next planned purchase is a Regal Angel.

I have pretty much resided myself to the fact that I will only be able to have Gorgonian corals in the tank so I am currently looking for a few varied species of gorgonians. I will also try some different mushrooms on a trial basis to see what survives.
How is that Gorg doing ?
Very well, it lost PE for a couple of days, but seems to have settled/adjusted and is starting to get PE again, thanks :)
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