Anemone Rescue Mission completed!


4 May 2007
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Hey guys

Just thought I would share my anemone success story with you.

A few months ago, somewhere near the end of last year, I walked into my local fish shop and saw this really sad looking anemone, it was in a tank that was lit by only 1 T8 light, the anemone was at the top of the tank obviously trying to get more light, but it looked in terrible condition, it looked very drab and limp. The anemone had been in the shop for a couple of weeks so I figured nobody was keen to buy it because of the condition it looked in.

I asked the shop owner how much the anemone was and he said it's not for sale because he doesn't think it will survive, I then studied the anemone further and told him I wanted to buy it, he refused to sell it to me, after a few minutes of begging he decided I could take it for half price, but he was still not happy to give it to me.

So I arrived home with my pathetic looking anemone and put it in my tank.

Here is what it first looked like when I put it in, clearly very badly bleached.


After a couple of hours in my tank it had opened up rather nicely and I was very happy, it looked like it had a chance of survival.



Well about 7 or 8 months have passed and here he is now, full of zooxanthellae and happy as can be.




Well done Dean!! You really are a champion of the hobby!!

And well done to the LFS guy for being so reluctant to let it go. Most LFS I know wouldn't even think twice.
Well done Viper
Thanks Galibore, Kanga

Yeah, big respect to him, he really didn't want to let me take it. That is one shop that will always have my business.
Nice to know there are still busenisses like that out there.

Well done
Nice one Deano and what an awesome Nem it turned out to be !
very nice dude,
Is Nenny bleaching a sign of bad lighting ? I have a sand nenny and he was white and small when I got him. I upgraded my lights and he started to turn brown. It took a while but now he is HUGE and totally brown.
Had a couple of opinions on it, could also possibly be a heteractis
On the subject of anemone names, the name Radianthus ritteria is no longer used, and it in fact refers to the anemone known as Heteractis magnifica. The division called Radianthus is infact an old term and has been disbanded by the scientific community. Here is a great anemone read:

Well done Dean, anemone looks awesome!
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