Amazing Planted setups

Dabm you sean look what you done. I'll send the GF to you when I get the dreaded lip for another money drainer...
well i'll gladly send you some plant CUTTINGs for free. you need to mix a substrate - remember to cap it with a sand of some sort. the seachem exel is just a liquid carbon - it is NOT a substrate substitute. if you can get seachecm florite you will be set! is a great site for info on planted tanks
:lol: see it's what you talking about... what other sups do you put in? would the sand from the toy shop be ok to cap it with?

Man i'm excited...
well i have a subs made out of potting soil and coral chips mixed topped with silica sand - always use silica sand. you can buy it at pool shops

Running my current planted with playsand. Plants love it, it seems.
cool got quite a bit of the stuff so will try get the seachem stuff and add playsand as a capping....
I'm planning almost the same for the new one.

Thin layer (1cm) of clay at the bottom. Then about 4cm of playsand. Then thin layer of flourite or similar.
Sims, the Flourite is very expensive though, just to prepare you.
I think you would need more than a bag.

But would like to share one with you as I would need a lot less. A while back I asked to for someone to share and no one wanted to. If you're willing to wait till the end of the month and depending on price.
I think you would need more than a bag.

But would like to share one with you as I would need a lot less. A while back I asked to for someone to share and no one wanted to. If you're willing to wait till the end of the month and depending on price.

ok i'll share with you and get another for myself. I'll look around for a price and you do the same. I know the shop in Hillfox had alot of seachem stuff when I was there and I have mailed mango...
Cool, will do a bit of searching this weekend. If you do find some, please note the recommended usage/volume etc on the bag. I might be wrong regarding you needing more than a bag.

cool will check on the site.... you think a 3ft is to small for a planted. thinking a few neons and some cool plants..?
woooooooooow guys - you want a thicker layer of subs with a thinner layer of sand than that.

we cant get flourite down here at all any more - thus we have alll started mixing our own stuff. much much cheaper
how thick is thick...and how expensive is expensive? :lol:

I was stupid enough to pay R680 for a big of caribsea aragonite once 19kg's...surly it can't be that bad...?
Just as bad. Last time I saw this stuff it was R500 for 9KG I think.
Shew... R500.... I think I got 9kg's to sell then :D
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