Algae Problem


Retired Moderator
6 May 2007
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Hi Guys,

Anyone know what specifically I can do to beat this....


....and this....


Gali it looks like you may have an outbreak of bryopsis there. Is that a new rock that its forming on?
If it's only on the 2 rocks I would remove them from the tank asap before it spreads.

I have a herbivore in there but he is not interested in this stuff.


That's my worst nightmare. No, all the rocks have been in there since the beginning.


Is there no other way? I have more of that type of rock, purchased from the same source at the same time. Will it then not just be a matter of time before it starts on those rocks?
pH is 8.1, Ca 440 and alk I haven't tested in a while, but last time I checked, about a week ago was in check.
Speaking to AC when he was out here, his advice was to raise your PH to about 8.6 for a few weeks with the use of kalk. What this does is hinder the up take of nutrients to the algae and allows the corals to out compete the algae.
The photos are not very clear, but it looks like you have two types of algae, a soft "feathery" type, and some of the dreaded bryopsis bubble algae. The feathery soft alga will disappear quickly if you introduce a small urchin. Not sure of your tank size, but if it's large enough one of the Tang species would also eat it. The bubble algae id another matter - it is *very* difficult to eradicate, as nothing we normally keep in our tanks will eat it. Best move (and yes, I know it's painful...) is to remove all the infected rock and let them dry out completely in the sun for a few days (or microwave them...). Also keep a sharp lookout for new growth, and react quickly if you see any - small isolated bubbles can be killed by boiling them with a magnifying glass in the sun (also works well to kill isolated aiptasia) - you will obviously have to remove the rock from the tank to do this...

Mmm... not sure I see the bubble algae. All the algae seems to be hairy, not feathery. I know the photos are awefull, I'll try and take some better ones.... stand by.

O BTW, removing the rock no longer seems to be an option as I spotted 4 other tufts this afternoon an 3 different rocks. The infected ropcks now constitutes the bulk of my LR.
If you can confirm it is bryopsis and not hair algae then you can also try increasing your magnesium levels to about 1500-1600 for about 3 months, this should cure bryopsis algae, or bump up your daytime ph to 8.6

I don't really have corals. I only have a Gorgonian which, after our power outage I'm not too sure is alive anymore.
Gali i recently followed some advise and this is how is went

take the rock out and pour magnesium over the algea, this will bind any PO4 on the rock causing the algae out break, just be careful not to get mg on a coral:p

worked for me and has not returned
My the storm...just keep doing the basics...AC also told me that the long spined sea urchin is a good grazer....I have them breeding in my quarintine tank...if you find yourself in this area
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