Just thought some of you might enjoy the read.
Just thought some of you might enjoy the read.
With that in mind, let us suppose that a brightly colored Acropora is relocated to a captive and brightly lit aquarium which will not likely (especially in heavily skimmed aquariums) provide significant conditions for heterotrophy, and even less likely provide the theoretical dietary component responsible for the animal pigment that provides it color. The coral would then turn toward either a new source of heterotrophic nutrition which may cause a change in available pigment input and resultant color, or, more likely, become more dependent on its overly capable zooxanthellae to meet its energy needs...and thus begin to turn BROWN. Perhaps the zooxanthellae mask the underlying color, perhaps the animal pigment is used up without heterotrophic replenishment, or perhaps a combination of both may effect the change.
Does this means that for Acropora, you will get better resuls if you go skimmerless?
When you use a product to feed your corals like Coral Frenzy, then switch off your skimmer for a few hours?